Jackie Dao
Chief Financial Officer
“I never lose. I either win or learn.”
Nelson Mandela
Jackie’s family moved many times during her childhood, and she experienced the variation in quality and resources in public schooling across different neighborhoods. Her passion for learning, however, provided a North Star that guided her through those experiences, and she became the first in her family to graduate from college. Since then, she has spent over 20 years in the asset management space helping multiple financial institutions implement operational and infrastructural best practices. She is excited to share her expertise with entrepreneurs who have dedicated their lives to transforming the education technology sector.
Why Education?
My passion for learning provided “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” for me to turn to as I navigated many relocations and the uneven quality of public education growing up. I believe the pursuit of higher education not only unlocks infinite potential but also contributes to self-confidence and mental health, which are increasingly vital for future generations.
Little Known Facts
- Was raised by a single father
- Is a choice mom
- Trilingual in English, Vietnamese and German
- Avid long-distance runner
- Loves to Salsa Dance