Gloria Liu
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Jane Goodall
Gloria was born in Guangzhou, China, and immigrated with her mother to Vancouver, Canada at the age of 5. She spent her childhood years between the two countries with the school year in Canada and summers across China, lending her a nuanced lens on the transformative experience education can have. Gloria’s academic journey led her to the University of Michigan for a dual degree in Economics and Philosophy, followed by a Masters in Education Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. After a brief foray into Corporate Banking, Gloria’s commitment to educational equity led her to Reach in 2023.
Why Education?
My upbringing between China and Canada opened my perspective to the power that education has in shaping our life trajectories. Especially true in emerging markets, a large determinant of your life outcomes are owed to the educational resources one had access to in their youth. I had no doubt that an important factor of my personal triumphs were due to the wealth of educational resources I had access to — which is a privilege I believe to be a right. My work is driven by my belief that educational resources should be available for all who have a desire to use them. Technology happens to be the fastest way to deliver.
Little Known Facts
- Allergic to green kiwis, but not golden ones
- Once aspired to be a pastry chef
- Loves the beach, but refuses to swim in the ocean