Elevating Hispanic Home Services Entrepreneurs - Why Reach Capital Invested in Owners


Serving Home Service Entrepreneurs: Why We Invested in Owners

At Reach Capital, we support startups that enable people to reach their full potential through education and economic empowerment — and in doing so revolutionize entire industries. When we came across Owners, we recognized an opportunity that seamlessly aligned with that criteria. Here’s why:

Seizing Opportunity in an Overlooked Market: U.S. Hispanics have historically been overrepresented in the home services entrepreneurial landscape yet underserved by companies in this industry. This vast sector encompasses cleaning, painting and remodeling alongside a host of other related skilled work.

Despite their skills, Hispanic immigrant entrepreneurs often face hurdles like language barriers, limited networks, and a lack of business experience to grow their trade. These challenges represent substantial untapped potential, and Owners is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs overcome these issues.

A Hands-On Approach to Success: Owners’ primary mission is empowering Hispanic entrepreneurs in the home services sector. What distinguishes the company is its “business-in-a-box” platform approach, offering practical solutions to address key challenges. Owners provides tools that directly help entrepreneurs, from language and customer support to streamlined legal processes, marketing strategies, and financial tools to help operators start and run their businesses and learn from each other.

Team’s Background and Competitive Edge: As a team of mostly Hispanic professionals, Owners has a deep understanding of the cultural nuances and specific requirements of its target market – Hispanic home service business entrepreneurs. This connection allows Owners to build strong relationships with customers and tailor services to their needs, positioning the company for long-term success. Owners’ founders and executives have experience in the development of education technology for vocational skills and even created home services companies themselves. 

A Large and Growing Industry: In the U.S. alone, home services is a $657 billion market in 2022, an increase of 10 percent over the previous year. There are an estimated 19.2 million people with the skills available to provide some home services work.

Igniting Transformation: Owners is more than a startup; it is a catalyst for change. By bridging opportunity gaps and offering tangible solutions to everyday problems for Hispanic service providers, the company has the potential to reshape the home services industry. We are eager to be part of its journey to pave the way for aspiring entrepreneurs.